
Horror-thriller Stay Safe gets a trailer and poster

Black Mandala has released a poster and trailer for Stay Safe, the upcoming horror-thriller from director Carlos V. Gutierrez.

The film follows Eva, an army surgeon stationed on the front lines of a pandemic hotzone as she tries to decode a message she received from a patient, while dealing with a series of nightmare and hallucinations she has began experiencing since taking in a young woman who is harbouring a dark secret.

The virus has mutated. The world is evolving. The last line of defense is the first response on the front lines. Eva is a US Navy pandemic doctor on a mission to assist in the fight against the deadly disease. Her evening with her boyfriend, Patricio is interrupted when a woman, Isabel, screams for help, trying to escape from the military police during the curfew. She desperately begs to be let in. Against Patricio’s better judgment, Eva takes in Isabel.

What began as a gesture of goodwill turns into a series of nightmares and hallucinations, leading to Eva’s deterioration and her loved ones questioning her sanity. All signs lead Eva to believe there is a life inside her in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. Unbeknownst to Eva, all is being carefully orchestrated by Isabel, a female demon with only one purpose, to cause infidelity and misfortune. Eva must gather the clues in her nightmares if she has any chance to exorcise Isabel from her home for good.

Stay Safe stars Kate Miner, Jason Canela, Katalina Viteri, Chip Lane and Alexandra Pica.

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